Pants on the ground........well nearly.
Always a bit of a bonus I think.
There was a touch of awkwardness when a faulty belt almost caused a "wardrobe malfunction" of epic proportions.
My rousing chorus of "Pants on the ground, pants on the look like a fool wit' your pants on the ground" didn't go down quite as well with some as with others.
If you don't know this song then have a quick trip to Youtube .....look under American Idol , or Pants on the Ground........and all will be revealed (as it almost was on Saturday).
Bless 'im.
Philip was rather bemused, see above, by some of the exhibits.
Ken appears to be even more bemused by Philip.
Nothing unusual there then. From here we went to the Jelly Belly Factory.
Always a popular visit.
We didn't do the tour this time so I didn't get a paper hat, but we did buy some sweeties.
The tour is free all this free stuff.
As you can see Lollipop just had to be in on the act as usual.
In the evening we went to a Mongolian Grill.
Doesn't sound too appetizing does it?
But, Philip explained that you pick out all your veggies, noodles, sauce and meat (or fish if you are me) and then you take it to the chef who cooks it all on a big hot plate thingy.....and you can do this as many times as you like for the one price.
That sounded quite fun so off we went.
In the restaurant we each grabbed a bowl and put some veggies in........first problem.... lots of meat but no fish.
Ok, I will just have veggies, no worries.
Then they brought out some little, scrawny, already cooked shrimp. I plopped some of these in my bowl even if they didn't look too inspiring.
Couple of ladles of sauce........there was a choice........and then to the chef who slapped it all on this hot plate and shoved it around a bit.
He then scraped it all into a bowl and "voila" there was your dinner.
And, it was horrid.
Well, mine was anyway. I picked at it for a few minutes........ugh.......the sauce was yukky......the shrimp had shrunk and turned into bullets.
It was nasty.
I couldn't eat it. I certainly wasn't going back for more. The rest of our party did go up for another bowl but me..........the next time I go to a mongolian grill I am going to McDonald's.
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