
Philip and Alan had been to see Avatar. They raved about it but failed to convince me of the necessity of seeing it myself.
But then Donna phoned.
She phoned one night at around 11.30pm, her time. She was absolutely flying round the light bulbs having just come in from seeing this movie.
Philip is no match for Donna.
She could not believe I hadn't seen it and had no intention of seeing it.
She bullied me into saying "Oh ok, I will go then"..........her answer...."GO NOW...TONIGHT".
She went on and on about how amazing it was and how fabulous the 3D is ...etc...etc...etc.
I have to say I was convinced. Maybe I would regret not seeing it in 3D. I decided I would go and we went on Monday.
Philip and Alan wanted to see it again anyway.
So I saw it.
It was pretty good.
I was not as blown away as everyone else seemed to be. The effects were amazing. The way they had real people alongside the aliens was flawless. I loved the fact that at last the faces, expressions etc of the images didn't all look exactly the same as every other computer generated stuff does these days.......example........I only could stand to watch about 10 minutes of Bolt as everything was same old, same old.
But it highlighted a bit of a dilemma for me.
How come, and someone else pointed this out...........how come I find violence in movies as well as in real life so upsetting, and yet I love to watch ice hockey where they tend to knock seven bells out of each other half the time.
I really didn't like any of the military stuff in Avatar. When it got towards the end and there was a big battle.........I sat there with my eyes closed.
I did find it too long.........but that is me.
I would have loved it if it had been entirely about the alien planet with its exotic flora and fauna.
There will be a sequel, of course, but I think it will be much of the same thing.....goodies against baddies.
The special effects and the use of 3D without being gimmicky are probably the way forward.
I would like to live on that planet but without some of the nastier beasties.
He had a friend keeping him company.
The temperature here at the moment is something like minus 23C.
I had to walk to and from bus stops going to work and back yesterday and it was no fun at all.
In fact when I got into work I felt quite ill.
My eyes, the only things I can't cover, were sore and puffy. My leg muscles felt like they were seizing up and made it difficult to walk.
When I got home I had a cup of tea, made by my personal tea master of the moment, then I had a snooze wrapped in a blankie.
But, this wally of a cat was banging on the window this morning because he wanted it open.
Upstairs, there is a centimetre of ice on the INSIDE of the windows..........and this with central heating.
And Thickie, Bubba, Thickie, Banks Thickie...........wants the poxy window open.
The trouble is that it is very bright and sunny and he probably thinks that means it is warm.
Ohh poor kitty, frozen pussy would not be a good thing it's as bad as frozed puppy
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