Flying by...........

Is it me or does it seem to go faster every year?
Next week, on Thursday, it is Thanksgiving.
Now, that really isn't that big a deal for us as we have never been brought up with this holiday but we have tried to embrace it.
I love any excuse to cook and Philip loves any excuse to eat so it works for both of us.
We have our friend Gary over simply because, according to everyone here, no one must be alone for Thanksgiving.
We like Gary anyway so it isn't a hardship having him here for the day.
We always get loads of invitations to spend Thanksgiving with various friends AND all their families.
It works rather well for us to say.........."Oh we are having our friend over.........he would be all alone you know".
No one argues with that.
We really wouldn't want to spend the day with a house full of someone else's relatives and it would seem rude to refuse.
Time flying..............Christmas always seems to be upon us immediately after Thanksgiving so I suppose that is what is freaking me out a bit.
I know I have the cakes, puds etc organised but I haven't done a great deal of Christmas shopping yet.
The weekend after Thanksgiving is the big Christmas Craft Fair at the State Fair Grounds.
I love this fair. So many shiny things. So many sparkly things. I am in Heaven.
I am sure it usually takes longer to get here than this so it is another thing that has snuck up on me.
When Alan phoned last week he proudly told me it was only 8 weeks until he arrives. He had even worked out that in 8 weeks time, exactly, he should be sitting in Philip's car on the way back from the airport.
Only 7 weeks now............and we have to fit Christmas and New Year in before then.
Alan will be here around 6 weeks and then he and Philip fly off to visit their older brother in Scotland.
That will give them something to look forward to.
I hope they manage to get decent seats on the flights. The above picture made me think of them sitting for 8 hours snuggled up together on the plane.
Quite amusing really.............oh I am being wicked...........must stop...........heh heh heh heh.
On another work today I was phoning people re their appointments and giving them the room number.
Now as there are still some that have a problem with a British accent I always say thing like " the room is 5 A for Apple".
Saves going over and over it.
Anyway, today the room was 9 I said " the room is 9 D for Dog".
Pretty straightforward ......I thought.
Bearing in mind the people I am talking to are working at a bank.........dealing with our money...... I got one lady who said.
" Is that nine as in eight, nine?"
"Pardon ", said I " It is room 9 D for Dog"
"Yes but is it nine as in a number....eight, nine, etc?"
"Yes it is the number nine" I sighed.
"Oh ok" she said.
Now on reflection, how many other versions of nine.........leaving out the German, nein, which I would hardly be flinging into a conversation about room numbers, are there?
I can't think of any.
What other nine did she think I might mean then?
It makes me wonder some times.
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