Anyone seen Toto?

Yesterday had its exciting moments.
I was on the computer, in the basement, when I heard a noise from upstairs.
I had left the telly on and it was now emitting a familiar screech.
Tornado warning.
I put Fox 6 on as they are local.
They were tracking the storm and it was heading my way.
All the usual advice :-
Go to the basement.
Keep away from windows.
If outside find a ditch to lie down in.
Good job I was indoors because I don't know of any ditches around here.
Anyway, this happens around this time most years so I didn't worry too much.
I made a cup of tea.
That's proper British that is.
Make a cup of tea.
Solves everything.
Cures most things.
A nice cup of tea........."ah you will, you will, you will..........YOU WILL".
But, then the sky got very black and sirens outside started wailing, so discretion being the better part of valour (and I have always found it far more sensible to be discreet rather than valorous) I took my "nice cup of tea" and headed back to the basement.
This isn't much of a hardship as the computers are down there anyway.
I waited until the sirens stopped before I went back up.
All was well, no damage.
The nice man on the telly said the storm cell that had produced a tornado was now heading out over Lake Michigan.
Here is a word for you Scrabble players.
Apparently we had a Gustnado too.
I thought he was making it up but I just looked it up and there is such a thing.
Anyway, both tornadoes (apparently there were two) and the gustnado passed just south of us.
Some damage and a lot of people without power for quite a while.
But it could have been a lot worse.
I am glad I wasn't waiting for a bus at the time. He didn't give any instructions about what to do if you are waiting for a bus when the tornado hits.
Make sure you have a tight hold on your ticket is probably sound advice.
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