Another First

Oh this picture brought back a memory.
Some years ago a bunch of us decided to go to GenCon which was being held at Pontin's Camber Sands.
I believe there were 2 or 3 car loads of us.
I remember travelling with Steve Abbott, Martin and I am not sure who else was in the car.
In front of us was Philip, Alan, Big Big Steve and possibly someone else...can't remember who was where.
Anyway, as we approached Check Point Charlie ......otherwise known as the entrance to Pontin's, we noticed that Alan, Big Big Steve and one other, all looked just like the above photo.......desperately trying to get their heads out of the car.
I can still see the look of revulsion on Big Big Steve's face.
I was puzzled.
I have had a sheltered upbringing and I just could not understand what was wrong.
But, Steve Abbott soon put me wise.
"Looks like Philip must have farted" he said, in a most matter of fact fashion.
All became clear.
When I looked again I could see him laughing whilst all around him were grossed out.
I was sooooo glad I wasn't in that car.
The above photo is spot on.
Another first.
Well, it isn't often we get to do a "first".
Having a rubber chicken as one of the groomsmen at our wedding in Las Vegas proved to be a first.
But, I have another one to add.
I used to have a bit of a reputation for crashing computers some years ago.
I know Jose doesn't read this blog but if he did he would confirm that at one time I could cause his computer to crash from feet away.
At the time he had his computer in a spare room upstairs and it got to the point where I was not allowed up there as it would all go wobbly as soon as I got to the door.
Well.......last night.......whilst playing Lord of The Rings Online........I crashed my computer.
Not news I hear you mutter.
T'is........because I did not get a "Blue Screen of Death" this time.
I got...
"The Red Screen of Death".
Even Philip was amazed. He had never seen a Red Screen of Death before.
I did a "Green Screen of Death" one time too but this one was awesome.
I wonder where that came from.
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