Thursday, March 5, 2015


I am not one for taking selfies.
I just know I will look awful.  I know some people love taking them. Some have really, really close up photos of their faces splashed all over their facebook pages.
They must have supreme self confidence to put them up there.  I don't mean your normal, run of the mill selfie but your extremely up close and personal selfie.
Fortunately for everyone, I do not have that sort of confidence.
This is what I have always imagined my photos would turn out like.

I wonder if these people take loads of photos, discarding many and keeping the most flattering?
I still think mine would be pants.
Maybe a bit like this.

I  think even this would be better than anything I could pose for.
I need longer arms.
I need my arms to stretch way across to the other side of the room.
The further away the camera is from my gob the better I look.
I might have a go in a minute.
I was looking at the stats for my blog.
Do you know I seem to have a huge following in Romania?
I draw a fair crowd from the Ukraine, France, Germany, Guernsey and Ireland too.
There are a few in Poland and India who also know all about Merv and his hole.
That is apart from the USA and UK.
Who are these people?
How does anyone in Romania find my blog in the first place and then keep coming back for another look?
I find it rather puzzling.

Ready? Squint a bit.

It came out a lot better than I expected.
My hair could have done with some attention before I took it.
I will remember that if I ever pluck up enough courage to take another.
I might even use this as my facebook profile picture.
Ha ha....I thought it was going to be the sort of photo you hang in the shed to keep the mice off your mushrooms.
But then again.......maybe it is.

Wish my arms were just a bit longer though.


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