Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Curious Case of The Missing Glove

Friday evening we went to Panera for our dinner.
We tend to go there a lot on Fridays and also for brekkie on Saturday morning.
It is rather good.
As the weather is still rather brisk, we have to wrap up well when we go out.
When I tried to put my gloves on as we came out, I found I only had one.
I thought about this muchly on the way home but then remembered putting them both on the table as we sat down to eat.
Never mind.  I would ask in the morning when we went back for brekkie.  Hopefully, someone would hand it in as there isn't much use for an odd glove.
So, Saturday morning I approached one of the ladies behind the counter, one who wasn't serving anyone, and, showing her my remaining glove, I asked if the other one had been handed in.
She replied rather sharply.
"It isn't here."
"Oh, I did lose it in here yesterday evening.", quoth I.
"It was here but it has gone now.", she replied without looking up.
"Where did it go?", I queried.
"I don't know.  It was down there, (pointing to behind the counter) but it has gone.  It isn't here.", she replied with an air of finality.

I gave up with her then.
I was very puzzled. I joined Philip as he was about to give in our order.
I asked the lady who was serving him.

"Have you seen the other glove to this?  The lady over there said it was here but it has gone."
"Oh yes, I saw it this morning.  It was back here but it isn't here now.", she replied looking puzzled herself.

There was a man standing near her who overheard.  He appeared to be the manager.
"Yes, I saw it.  I don't know where it can have gone.", he said.
At this point the first lady, having seen me talking with the manager bustled over and said very sweetly that she had seen it too.  She then started to actually pretend to look for the thing.
The manager, meanwhile, said helpfully, "I will go and have a look out the back.  It must be here somewhere."

Well, it appears it wasn't out the back or anywhere else come to that.
I am sure someone had thrown it out (probably first lady) because I don't believe anyone claimed a lonely glove.
It was strange though.  
I bought some more.
That wasn't as easy as you might think either.
Apparently, even though the snow is about 3 feet thick and the temperatures are minus 25 is now the time we should all be buying swimsuits and flip flops.
The first two big department stores we went in had no gloves at all.
I eventually found some in the 'clearance' section of the third store.
How mad is that?


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