Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fed up.........muchly.


Oh what a week.
We took Bubba to the vet on Monday as he has been drinking a lot and not quite himself.
I thought he probably had a thyroid deficiency which is quite common in older cats but easily treatable.
They did some tests on him and the results were that he is in early renal failure.
This means his kidneys are not working properly.  It cannot be cured but progress can be delayed by special, prescription diet.
Some cats, so I am told, have lived for years on this diet.
OK not too bad.
Then today I get a message from the vet which sounds like he is much worse than that.
It says he probably should be on regular subq fluids.
This means sticking needles in him and getting fluids in him via a home.
I am a bit blown away by this.
The previous info seemed to say he wasn't that bad yet and wouldn't be for a long time.
Now it seems that he is much more poorly than we imagined.
I don't know how I am going to do this.
Philip is stopping by the vet's office tonight to pick up the special diet and I have just left him a message asking him to talk to the vet about all this.

Last night we went to the first River Rhythms of the season.
I had been looking forward to it as apart from the music, it is fun to see Gary and to do some people watching.
Much to my dismay, the band was pants.
I have a fairly broad taste in music and usually enjoy listening to anyone who is a good musician.
It started badly when obviously, they hadn't all turned up on time.
One of the guitarists did a solo set on an acoustic guitar, which was very brave of him, but rather boring, went on too long, and people were getting fed up.
Then we saw the last one show up and they got under way.
We were soon wishing we just had the first bloke back.
It was a sort of cross between hip hop and rap.   We didn't like it at all.
No one clapped much.  There were a few kids there who seemed to enjoy it but the vast majority of the crowd are older and you could see no one was particularly impressed.
Totally unimpressed was my other half, who was sending me signals that he wanted to go home.
We stayed until about 8.30pm when I gave in and said, "Oh alright then, let's go home."
I have never seen Philip pack away all our stuff so quickly.
He was like Billy Whizz.
It was a shame really as it wasn't a good start to the season.   Fortunately, next week it is Brother.......the Aussie guys in leather kilts.  They are brilliant so unless they don't show up it should be good.
Oh and to top it all.
The mice in the garage had eaten holes in Philip's new posh, folding chair he bought last year.
I thought he might fall through as it was so bad but he didn't ........spoilsport.


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