5 Card Studs
Well Lauren did. I had lots of washing and ironing to catch up on.
Tuesday we went shopping.
It is so hard to believe that it is over for this year.
They did end on a high note though. The band was 5 Card Studs.
We saw them a couple of years ago and they are a really fun band.
As well as being very good musicians they make fun of being a "lounge band".
Before every song the sexy beast of a singer whose name is Caesar Palace, says
"And this one is for the ladies".
It is all done in such fun that the women love him and the blokes all like him too.
That is quite hard to achieve.
Even Philip likes this band and didn't even take his book...........that is even harder to achieve.
There was an extra "Stud" this time. A dear little one.
He only looked about 5 but stood up there the whole time strumming his guitar.
They said they were training him for their retirement. He has already got all the "old madam".
He won't take a lot of training.
Apart from "Caesar Palace", the other band members are :-
Reno Nevada
Asti Spumante
Les Vegas
Lake Tahoe
and the little one Chevvy Tahoe.
Philip even bought a Christmas CD from them. Caesar did warn him it is a bit risque.
Woo hoo....that should liven Christmas up a bit.
As you can see in the photo, Father Christmas was at River Rhythms.
He must spend his holiday in Milwaukee.
His disguise was pretty good but his red bag gave him away.
I was a little sad coming home. River Rhythms is over and then Lauren will be going back Sunday.
Next week will seem rather quiet I think.
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